Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) is an amateur radio-based system for real time tactical digital communications of information, such as current position reports, of immediate value in a local area. In addition, all such data is input into the APRS Internet System (APRS-IS) and distributed globally.
The IARC has a number of members active in APRS, some with digipeater and igate capabilities. Click here to view current APRS activity in the Iroquois area.
The Iroquois Amateur Radio Club will be hosting a Hamfest and Flea Market on April 5, 2025 at The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 370 located on 24 Dundas St, Iroquois, ON, K0E 1K0, same as last year.
It's the first Hamfest and Flea Market of the year in Eastern Ontario.
This event will be open to vendors for setup at 08:00 am and to the general public at 09:00 am
General Admission: $5.00 which includes a ticket for a door prize.
Vendor Table Rentals are $10.00 each which does not include admission cost.
We will have a "Talk-in" Station set up the morning of the event on the
Iroquois repeater VE3IRO 145.290 (-) CTCSS 100.0 Hz for anyone looking for directions to the event.
The Annual IARC Hamfest/Flea Market will be held at The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 370 in Iroquois, ON. Retailers and lots of fellow hams will set up tables loaded with radio bargains and goodies at very attractive prices. There will also be door prize draws from vendors and a 50/50 draw. You don't want to miss the fun. Come and have a non-Zoom eyeball QSO. You've earned it to have fun.
For Table rentals contact Mike at
Additional info see webpage or email
April 5 2025 Iroquois Legion